Long Riston, lies on the edge of the Hull valley 9 miles. north of Hull and 6 miles. east north east of Beverley, has been favoured since the Second World War as a commuter settlement for those towns.
The name, sometimes recorded as 'Ruston' or 'Reston' and perhaps meaning the 'farmstead near the brushwood' or 'enclosure overgrown with brushwood', is Anglian. The prefix, appropriate for such a straggling village, was used from the early 17th century, presumably to distinguish Riston from Ruston Parva. The township of Arnold, south of the village, was divided between the ancient parishes of Long Riston, Rise, and Swine. The name, also Anglian, may mean 'Arna's nook of land'.) The settlements of 'Chenecol' or 'Chenuthesholm' and 'Luvetotholm', recorded in 1086, may have lain in Riston but no more is known of them.
The current population for the parish as of 2020 is 1,037 people and that is across 390 dwellings.
The population of Long Riston and Riston's part of Arnold township together was 269 in 1801; it rose to 403 in 1841 and 417 in 1871